• Awards and Achievements
  • 26 Eyl 2023

Yıldız Pul Otomotiv A.Ş. Receives 4 Awards

Yıldız Pul Otomotiv A.Ş. Receives 4 Awards

Yıldız Pul Otomotiv A.Ş. became the company with the most awards at the 6th OSEG Conference Award Ceremony. The Award for the Company with the Highest Exports in the Automotive Sector, the Award for the Company Providing the Highest Employment, the Award for Having an R&D Center, and the Main Sponsor Award...

Vaden Original became the company with the most awards at the 6th OSEG Conference Award Ceremony. The Award for the Company with the Highest Exports in the Automotive Sector, the Award for the Company Providing the Highest Employment, the Award for Having an R&D Center, and the Main Sponsor Award...

On behalf of Vaden Original, Chairman of the Board Seyit Acar received the awards from Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Hasan Büyükdede, Konya Deputy and AK Party Deputy Chairman Leyla Şahin Usta, Konya Chamber of Industry President Memiş Kütükcü, Konya Governor Vahdettin Özkan, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Rıfat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Honorary President of Konya Chamber of Industry Ahmet Şekeroğlu, and Konya Chamber of Industry Assembly President Tahir Büyükhelvacıgil.

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