• Awards and Achievements
  • 06 Tem 2021

We Climbed to 284th Place Among Turkey's Second 500 Largest Industrial Organizations.

We Climbed to 284th Place Among Turkey's Second 500 Largest Industrial Organizations.

While the world stood still, we did not stop, we worked constantly, we continued to develop, and we rose step by step for our big goals. In 2020, we climbed to the 284th place among Turkey's Second 500 largest industrial organizations.

While the world is changing rapidly, we have not only kept up with this change, but have also constantly improved ourselves and moved forward with determination towards our big goals.

As one of Turkey's strong players in the industrial field in 2020, we are rightfully proud to have risen to 284th place in the Second 500 Largest Industrial Organizations list this year.

This success is the result of not only our work, but also the dedicated efforts and innovative perspectives of our entire team. While taking steps to achieve better every day, we are constantly improving our production processes, developing our technology, and continuing to grow. Every success we achieve in this process allows us to get one step closer to our big goals.

In line with our vision for the future and our big projects, such important milestones motivate us even more. We celebrate this success together with the efforts of our employees, the trust of our customers, and the support of our business partners.

As Vaden, we will continue to work tirelessly, aiming to be the winner not only of today, but also of tomorrow.

Awards and Achievements
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