• Fair News
  • 04 Nis 2019

Automechanika Istanbul 2019

Automechanika Istanbul 2019

As Vaden Original, we shared the innovative solutions we offer to the sector with our visitors by participating in the Automechanika Istanbul 2019 Fair. We received great interest and positive feedback.

Vaden Original met with industry professionals at the Automechanika Istanbul Fair in 2019. We were met with great interest at the fair with our innovative products and advanced technology solutions.

The productive discussions we had with our visitors strengthened our collaborations and solidified our leading position in the sector. The great interest shown in our booth once again revealed how strong a brand Vaden Original is in global markets.

Participating in the Automechanika Istanbul 2019 Fair and contributing to the sector and creating new business opportunities was a great source of excitement for us. We would like to thank all our visitors for not leaving us alone and for the interest they showed in our booth. As Vaden Original, we will continue to increase our success in the sector.

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